domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Angelo Frammartino:

The tuition of saints and fools

While the fighting was going on in Lebanon, terrorists claimed another victim. He was not one of us "bloodsucking Jews," not an evil Zionist settler in Tel Aviv or New York. He was a 25 year old Italian student, Angelo Frammartino, who came to our country to help the nice Palestinians in their struggle against the evil and greedy Zionist warmongers. Angelo was an active member of the Refondazione Comunista movement, which supports the Iraqi "resistance" and was apparently sent here by them:

Frammartino tait le directeur de la section de la jeunesse de Monterotondo du Parti de la Refondation Communiste en Italie (PRC) et un pacifiste trs actif dans les campagnes pour le dveloppement durable des pays du Tiers-Monde

Translation - "Frammartino was the director of the Monterotondo youth deparment of the Italian Refondazione Comunista Party (PRC) and a very active pacifist in the campaign for sustainable development in third-world country." Apparently, sustainable development and pacifism must be supported by the work of Iraqi suicide bombers.

Frammartino was stabbed in the back while walking with four friends in the Sultan Suleiman street in Jerusalem, near the Prahim Gate, on August 10. Israel police later apprehended his murderer, who confessed. The murderer was a member of the Islamic Jihad movement.

This murder should have been a dearly bought lesson in the meaning of "resistance" for the "humanitarians" who support terror in Iraq and Israel, but it will not be so. No sooner was Frammartino dead, then a mendacious campaign was begun to change the facts of the story, to obscure the identity of the murderer and of his victim.

The AGI, press agency of the Italian Prime Minister's office, issued a press release that stated:

The 25-year-old law student was stabbed to death by persons unknown last Thursday while working as a volunteer in Jerusalem.

The Islamic Jihad had become "persons unknown." It was known then that the assailant was a Palestinian, and the same AGI release even quoted Monsignor Hilaron Capucci characterizing the murderer as a "disgusting mental Palestinian," but the Italian Prime Minister's office chose to write that Frammartino was killed by "Person's Unknown." I wonder if Capucci would characterize the Palestinians who murder Israeli babies as "disgusting mental Palestinians."

In one way or another, the Palestinians and the supporters of "resistance" managed to distance themselves from the deed. The victim was also elevated and beatified. Who was Frammartino in fact? He was a minor functionary in a party that supports terror and murder. He wrote to a newspaper

We must recognize that a situation with no violence is a luxury in many parts of the world, but we are not seeking to prevent legitimate self defense operations. I never dreamt of condemning the resistance, the blood of the Vietnamese, the blood of nations under colonial occupation, or the blood of Palestinian youths from the first intifada.

Perhaps he only intended to do good things here. He was going to set up a summer camp for Palestinian kids. What would they learn in the camp?

Whatever he was in real life, Frammartino was turned into Saint Francis of Assisi in his death. The man who supported murder was portrayed thus by a neighbor:

He was a golden guy. He dealt with politics but he wasn't an extremist. He was just a pacifist, the poor guy.

His father said:

My son believed in peace...and this gives me the strength to go on. He told me that a life that
does not bring peace is not a life. He was right and he was better than I.

His son believed in peace, but belonged to an organization that supports Iraqi terrorists.

Terrorists kill innocent people without mercy: Children, kids in a discotheque, pregnant women, old people, and misguided pacifists who come to make summer camps. Terrorism is never "legitimate." It is murder. Anyone who supports terrorist groups, rationalizes their actions or justifies them is an accessory in murder. That is the lesson of the martyrdom of Angelo Frammartino. He paid a high price to teach us this lesson, but incompetent and mendacious media are wasting his tuition.

Ami Isseroff

Sanda Abramovici to "Undisclosed-R.
More options 20-Aug (1 day ago)

Angelo Frammartino: The tuition of saints and fools

While the fighting was going on in Lebanon, terrorists claimed another victim. He was not one of us "bloodsucking Jews," not an evil Zionist settler in Tel Aviv or New York. He was a 25 year old Italian student, Angelo Frammartino, who came to our country to help the nice Palestinians in their struggle against the evil and greedy Zionist warmongers. Angelo was an active member of the Refondazione Comunista movement, which supports the Iraqi "resistance" and was apparently sent here by them:

Frammartino était le directeur de la section de la jeunesse de Monterotondo du Parti de la Refondation Communiste en Italie (PRC) et un pacifiste très actif dans les campagnes pour le développement durable des pays du Tiers-Monde

Translation - "Frammartino was the director of the Monterotondo youth deparment of the Italian Refondazione Comunista Party (PRC) and a very active pacifist in the campaign for sustainable development in third-world country." Apparently, sustainable development and pacifism must be supported by the work of Iraqi suicide bombers.

Frammartino was stabbed in the back while walking with four friends in the Sultan Suleiman street in Jerusalem, near the Prahim Gate, on August 10. Israel police later apprehended his murderer, who confessed. The murderer was a member of the Islamic Jihad movement.

This murder should have been a dearly bought lesson in the meaning of "resistance" for the "humanitarians" who support terror in Iraq and Israel, but it will not be so. No sooner was Frammartino dead, then a mendacious campaign was begun to change the facts of the story, to obscure the identity of the murderer and of his victim.

The AGI, press agency of the Italian Prime Minister's office, issued a press release that stated:

The 25-year-old law student was stabbed to death by persons unknown last Thursday while working as a volunteer in Jerusalem.

The Islamic Jihad had become "persons unknown." It was known then that the assailant was a Palestinian, and the same AGI release even quoted Monsignor Hilaron Capucci characterizing the murderer as a "disgusting mental Palestinian," but the Italian Prime Minister's office chose to write that Frammartino was killed by "Person's Unknown." I wonder if Capucci would characterize the Palestinians who murder Israeli babies as "disgusting mental Palestinians."

In one way or another, the Palestinians and the supporters of "resistance" managed to distance themselves from the deed. The victim was also elevated and beatified. Who was Frammartino in fact? He was a minor functionary in a party that supports terror and murder. He wrote to a newspaper

We must recognize that a situation with no violence is a luxury in many parts of the world, but we are not seeking to prevent legitimate self defense operations. I never dreamt of condemning the resistance, the blood of the Vietnamese, the blood of nations under colonial occupation, or the blood of Palestinian youths from the first intifada.

Perhaps he only intended to do good things here. He was going to set up a summer camp for Palestinian kids. What would they learn in the camp?

Whatever he was in real life, Frammartino was turned into Saint Francis of Assisi in his death. The man who supported murder was portrayed thus by a neighbor:

He was a golden guy. He dealt with politics but he wasn't an extremist. He was just a pacifist, the poor guy.

His father said:

My son believed in peace...and this gives me the strength to go on. He told me that a life that
does not bring peace is not a life. He was right and he was better than I.

His son believed in peace, but belonged to an organization that supports Iraqi terrorists.

Terrorists kill innocent people without mercy: Children, kids in a discotheque, pregnant women, old people, and misguided pacifists who come to make summer camps. Terrorism is never "legitimate." It is murder. Anyone who supports terrorist groups, rationalizes their actions or justifies them is an accessory in murder. That is the lesson of the martyrdom of Angelo Frammartino. He paid a high price to teach us this lesson, but incompetent and mendacious media are wasting his tuition.

Ami Isseroff

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